How to Make Cheap & Easy Avocado Toast Every Day:


Living in a van down by the river doesn’t mean you don’t have a right to enjoy avocado toast. Rise above gutter food by going ghetto whilst eating like a royal… a 1400s royal. For $1-2 you too can make this at home or in your shack… just not under a bridge downtown.

– Your cheap-ass gluten of choice, be it dollar store bread or English muffins
– Some basil or pesto
– A bulk brick of your cheese of choice
– A bag of general store avocados
– Optional; butter, tomato, prosciutto, sugar & sriracha

Toast bread with butter and cheese in your toaster oven. When cheese is melted to your liking, take out of toaster and add your toppings of choice. As long as avocado is involved on top of your toast you can tell yourself it’s avocado toast… but let’s make it taste good at least. I find basil and/or pesto really makes a difference in the taste… read my other posts on how to grow unlimited basil and how to make a tone of pesto easy.


Drastic times calls for drastic measures, these simple everyday methods are insanely cheap, easy and abundant. Experiment with different ingredients to your liking to get the best results. For those with more means and time there are infinitely better recipes out there… my way however, is so brainlessly simple & fast that it’s literally doable for every single day of the year.


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